
Wednesday, November 27, 2013

I'm back.

Hey Everyone,

Sorry I have been missing from Book Snob for over a week now.  I have been frantically getting ready for Thanksgiving.  I have been cleaning my house from top to bottom, shopping for turkeys and other essential food items and falling into bed exhausted every night. I can't forget to mention that I am teaching everyday as well as delivering wreaths and popcorn for Boy Scouts.  We are serving 31 people for Thanksgiving dinner but having about 34 people in total visit sometime during the day.

So now I am almost ready for guests.  Phew. Today I am finishing up the cleaning and shopping and will start making the apple dressing( my grandmother's recipe) and also making cranberry sauce (for the first time).

My break from blogging is over and I'm back to posting today.  Yay!

Wishing you a wonderful day and a Happy Thanksgiving and a Happy Hanukkah.