
Thursday, September 2, 2010


Tate Hallaway Contest!

Tate Hallaway, the Hometown Track Author in the Spotlight this month, has graciously agreed to GIVEAWAY FIVE SIGNED and PERSONALIZED COPIES of her book Almost to DIE For to 5 lucky followers of my blog.

Here is the synopsis on the back of the book:
On her sixteenth birthday, Anastasija Parker's present winds up being the shock of a lifetime. When her mom referred to her absentee dad as a deadbeat it was actually half true -- he's a vampire. And a king, no less. A king who wants his daughter to assume her rightful position at his side. But, thanks to Ana's mother, the blood of a witch also runs through her veins....

Too bad vampires and witches are mortal enemies.

With her parents gearing up for an all out brawl over her destiny, Ana's about ready to scream. But things get even crazier when a male witch and a brooding bad boy vampire start vying for her affection. Then the barely leashed tension between the vampires and the witches starts to boil over, and Ana has to figure out once and for all if she wants to become heir to her dad's throne. And deciding your eternal destiny is a pretty big deal for a girl who just wants to get through high school. 

This contest is open internationally and will end on September 30th at midnight.  Please fill out this form and leave a comment for Tate or I after you enter. Remember you must be a follower to enter.  Thanks and good luck everyone!