
Friday, April 2, 2010

Every Last One

Every Last One by Anna Quindlen

I just got this Advance Reader's Copy in the mail from Random House Press. This book is set to be released in the bookstores on April 13th, 2010. I have read four of Anna Quindlen's other books, all of which grace my book shelf and I adore her as an author. I can tell that this book will be close to my heart just from reading the back cover.

The main character's name is Mary Beth who has three teenage children. One of her son's is named Max (like mine) and he is suffering from depression (another coincidence). Then something terrible happens. Ugh, I hate it when terrible things happen. The rest of the back cover states that this is a novel about facing every last one of the things we fear most, about finding ways to navigate a road we never intended to travel, about living a life we never dreamed we'd have to live but must be brave enough to try. To be honest, this book will probably make my cry my eyes out.

Quindlen is an author who doesn't ever disappoint me. Her books always make me think and rethink and then think again. All of her powerful stories have changed my life in some way. Just writing this piece has made me reflect on them again. Here are the four I have read and would strongly recommend as well.
1. Black and Blue
2. How Reading changed my life
3. Being Perfect
4. A Short Guide to a Happy Life

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